Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
IP Man 2 *****

Just came back from movie with my mom at ioi mall..
IP man~ I like him so much..
I like the most when he said: "Everyone have different status in society.. We have to know how to respect each other!" xD
Tommorow will be start a SONY fair at new wing until 16th May..
I really hope that can hit my target.. Pray hard for me ba.. ^^
Bye People.. YiXuan =)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Just for FUN
When college just need to know how to do assignment, do best in mid-term and final, play, watch movie, sing k, eat...
Whatever you wanna do you also can go ahead..
But working are so different.. =(
I am working at camera shop for SONY until now already 6 days..
These 6 days, everyday also work, work, work and work and did not go anywhere.. Everyday work go back home sleep, wake up and work again.. @.@
Arghhhh... Seems like wanna crazy already!
But no choice, have to do it too.. ><"""
Although working are not so relax than study but i can learn many thing from here.. Now i already know more about camera even handycam or videocam.. And i am learning DSLR now.. How good.. ^^
Well, I really have to work hard in 1 year and save money to continue my studies...
I have to do it.. or else i sure will regret.. =/
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Balik Kampung
My life at there these few days were just eat, eat, eat and eat! @.@
My stomach didn't stop fulling at all.. xD
I just watch "Ice Kacang Puppy Love" with my family at Queensbay on friday night..
It's a touch and some funny stories.. Let's support local film ba.. ^^
Well.. Tommorow have to start my new job ald..
It's so tired.. No time to rest at all..
Tommorow have to wake up early..
Have to off to bed now..
Bye people.. YiXuan.. =)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Bye Kuala Lumpur... =)
It's a quite suddenly decision until i oso can't believa that.. =.=
Whatever la.. At least i can go back for few day just for visit my grandma and can get some relax for my mom and myself too.. xD

Will update my blog after i come back from penang.. Just wait for me ba.. Muahaha.. =p
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Miss you!
They start the discussion with us and another seven people include the marketing researcher..
We discussion for those topic almost for 3 hours.. and finally we and the discussion at 6.15pm..
Don think that we just go there discuss only.. Actually those who selected go for discussion with get pay for extra money.. Muahaha.. Yea.. I earned extra RM100++ today.. Woohoo.. ^^
But too bad are it is raining day again when we finish the discussion.. It's so jam u know?? Coz most of the people are just finish their work and going back home plus it's raining.. So.. Jam until... $#%@^&*!~
After that i go pack my stuff that left at my previous hostel at tbr and we have our dinner at genting klang..
When almost 9pm.. We finish our dinner and go find soh poh to yam cha..
Soh poh = you yan.. xD
We yam cha at Taipei walker which located at Kuchai Lama and blow water at there until nobody business.. =p
So wish to talk with her until tommorow.. But can't.. Coz it's already midnight and i have to go back home.. =/
Soh poh.. Although today we just chatting a while only but i m really enough happy for that.. Hope to see you soon as what you wish.. Miss you and Love you.. Muaksss.. =)
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Night ..
Omg.. Long time din't go clubbing already..
For me, it's really the crazy and the fun night in April..
Friday lollipop night at Mist Club was so high and fun! Everyone are so sexy and hot.. Except me.. xD
We crazy all the night until Mist Club was closed..
But too bad.. It's raining when we wanna go back..
All of us are became "Chicken Soup" because we din't bring umbrella and our car are park very far from the club.. =.=
I wish to go club again.. But wonder still got the chance anot.. =/
Bye people.. Yixuan.. =)
Play Hard?!
Dunno what to put for the title... hahaha..
I am going genting with lee wei, miao, yao yao, shu hui and shu hui's family..
Although that day got some raining but it's really a lot of fun..
We reach almost 12pm and we start to play at outdoor until 4pm something..
Finally.. I can have the tried for Corkscrew and Cyclone before raining.. Hahaha.. It's so syok man.. I love it so much!
Here some picture that we capture of that day.. =)
Miao, Lee wei and me just go there for 1 day trip and others overnight at First World Hotel..
We go to Sri Rampai night market after came back from genting to have our dinner..
At last i wish to said that "Takoyaki.. I love u.. Wish to eat u everyday.." hahaha.. ^^
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Look Out Point
This was the first time i go look out point which located at ampang..
Hmmm.. I really like there so much.. It is so relax when u reach there..
Look out point.. what a nice place for me.. It's got some cold like genting.. ^^
We gonna having our final exam in our diploma life next week onwards..
And what to do was we just sitting there eat, drink and chit-chatting..
When heard bout what they are chit-chatting, i found out many suprise things.. hmmm.. It's secret.. ^^
Well, really enjoy much tonite.. Wish to come here again after exam..
but wondering wish will come true anot.. =/

Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The last day for March
I am not going out on Thursday this week but going out on Wednesday.. I go for BBQ plaza at Times Square after my class at 2pm.. xD It is the first time i go BBQ plaza to taking my brunch.. hmmm.. Their food was quite nice to eat and the importance were i like the situation.. It's make me feel comfortable while eating although there are barbeque style.. ^^

They decided have Baskin Robbins after eat at bbq plaza because there have 31% on every day of 31.. =) It's the first time i ate so many ice cream at BR.. I really like the flavor of Chocolate Light.. ^^

That's all for today..
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Another Thursday again..
It's another thursday again and i am having sing k session with my dear's classmates.. The most special are our tutor, Mr. Julius were joined us to sing k.. He really cool man.. He really unexpected sing well.. @.@
Finish our sing k session.. We having our lunch at T-Bowl concept Restaurant that i did not go there before..

These are the day for another thursday.. Curious why i almost go out every thursday le.. Because i no class at all on thursday.. hahaha.. =.= That's all for these post.. xD
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Alice in Wonderland

I watch Alice in Wonderland with my dear dear classmates.. Weee.. This really a nice movie to me.. I like it so much.. Wish to watch in 3D also.. xD and the cinema were too cold to us.. We can feel that the air-cond are face to us and blow.. Wuuuu.. Hahaha... After that, we go to Starbucks and get our beverage because Choon Hui have the coupon buy 1 free 1 black tea ice.. hehe.. We just lepak lepak and walking around in Pavilion.. Although din't buy anything and just walking around, but i still fell comfortble.. I duno why have this feeling.. I don really feel tired at all.. haha.. When almost 6pm, we go restaurant Wong Kok and have our dinner at there.. And we capture many pictures too.. xD

Today also the day my previous semester result release.. I am so happy and satisfied with my result since i can get my target.. Hehehe.. This semester have to put all the effort to it because it's last semester already.. No failure for this last semester! xD
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Boring Day
When reach training office, just got few people reach only and we have almost 30promoters to training.. So? Have to wait lo.. Wait until 2.45pm, all the promoters aunties are reach and taken their seat.. 3.15pm, they just start their briefing and training.. I really wait until boring and tired even almost lost my patient.. Hmmm.. then they at there talk talk talk and i just sit there and heard heard heard.. and almost 6.30pm they just let us go.. Damm angry with that!! Sit there almost more than 5 hours already and my mom are waiting my outside office.. Almost 8pm something, i finally reach home.. My mom fetch me home because she have to meet her friends at carefour wangsa maju.. Hmmm.. Now really duno how to describe my feeling.. It's just really tired and wanna go to close my eyes..
Good night everyone.. =/
Bye people.. YiXuan =/
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I already stupid for once times, twice times and would not have the third times again..
This are the promise to myself since we already argue the same thing for last time also..
Whatever how you saying about me to people, i don't care at all..
At least i know that you all just exploit me because of your needs only..
Stress?? Don know how to do just find me?? Huh.. Shit la! These all non of my business!
If I break myself promise again, i sure the 1st person to be the crazy one..
I won't be so stupid to do the same thing again..
and I don't care anymore!
Bye people.. YiXuan ><"""
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Last Semeter in Diploma
Already the last semester in diploma.. 22nd of February which means few days ago is the day I attended class on college again.. It's seems very hard in these last semester.. Especially IR, have to know about our country and even other country history and their conflict or thier corporation.. Arghhh.. First week started feel stress with those subject.. Hmmm.. And also the advertising for e. media will have a mid-term on week 4.. =.= So fast huh?? Hmmm..
Yesterday was public holiday and i did not have class at all.. So, i am decided go The Mines with my dear where I already wish to go there since before CNY started.. You know why?? Because The Mines CNY theme are using doraemon! My favourite favourite of cartoon! And it will been tidy up and keep all the doraemon things on tomorrow (Chu shi wu).. Before we go to The Mines, we had our brunch at Restaurant Meizi.. A individual steamboat restaurant.. Hehe.. Wee.. Long time din't go there already..
Restaurant Meizi
Almost 5pm something.. We leave The mines and go to "Tai Zhi Yun" pasar malam and also near Leisure mall there's pasar malam.. haha.. Quite crazy huh?? One night go for two pm.. xD After that, we go to meet my ji mui, the soh poh, you yan.. and the suprises are her boyfriend also coming kl from nilai.. haha.. Then we meet jia ren and decided go my house (Because they want to take ang pou).. hehe.. About 10pm something, they reach my house and gamble in my room.. We did not gamble with money but we gamble with CNY biscuits.. haha.. The loser have to eat all the biscuit that we put inside a tupperware.. ><''' Luckily i did not eat much, but my dear are the big loser and he have to eat almost all of it.. haha.. I really enjoying well yesterday.. So happy with it.. =)
Bye people.. YiXuan =)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
New Year's Short Trip
17 - 2 - 2010 , Wednesday

Japanese Villages
French Villages

18 - 02 - 2010 , Thursday
Bye people.. YiXuan =)